The Leader In Me


How do we bring out the leader in us?

The summer of 2010 was when I received a personalized letter from the new principal at the underperforming school I worked with in New Orleans. It was my first time to such a letter!

The principal started so strong, determined, and challenged that many teachers were on their toes teaching just after a couple of weeks.

Students’ behavior changed, teams were communicating and collaborating on improving students’ grades and behavior. He was so into it that the staff, teachers, and even the students could picture the school’s vision to the point that we all believed it is possible!

He was always out and about. Sometimes he was co-teaching a class; at other times, actively observing classes. He would quietly ask one of the students if he understood the teacher’s lesson. Or approach students with special needs to ask if they were receiving accommodations.

Yes, he was making sure everyone was doing what they were supposed to be doing!

It was a real 180-degree turn from what our school was before his leadership.

He is a true leader. When he created change and adequately directed and guided our team to achieve the set goals, everyone knew he would rock the boat.

All school teams started communicating, creating solutions, and became involved and invested in achieving the vision.

I am happy to have met him.

You see, a leader plays many roles and wears many hats. However, what makes a leader great is not just being able to lead a group into achieving its vision but, more so, if he can rule himself, his own experience, habits, cultural programming, and thoughts.

The truth? There is a leader within each of us!

We may not be great ones yet, but if we can lead our thoughts, then all our goals and everything possible will be possible. We may not know it yet, but honestly, our thoughts can change our world!

The principal I had in New Orleans knew what he wanted. He was very determined and decided to make his goals happen. To him, there is always a solution.

If you approach him with a problem, he’d say, “So? What can you do about it?” If you are bringing him a concern, be sure to get him a solution too!

Leaders will always find ways to make things happen. But we are responsible and accountable too!

The question now is how do we lead ourselves to achieve our goals?

How do we get from Point A to Point B?

Napoleon Hill said, “If the mind can conceive and believe, it will achieve.”

The answer is all about knowing what you want with all your heart and soul. And, when we start to believe, then it will happen, like magic! Pieces of the puzzle will fit, circumstances will change, different mechanisms will appear leading to its achievement!

With great power, though, comes great responsibility.

The Principal in New Orleans knew how powerful he is, so he was able to create change in his workplace.

But best of all is he allowed us, teachers, and staff to believe in ourselves too, and in our power.