Focus is Key!


Every time my husband is driving, he would always comment on how other drivers drive. He’d be irritated if he saw someone not yielding or cutting lines. And the funny thing was, the more he focuses on the “bad” driving, the more they become visible! And he would blurt it out as if it’s the most critical thing in the world!

Yeah, he has a point, but I’d instead focus on other things if it were me.

And because I also couldn’t help myself, I’d comment on how he was commenting, and then we’d be in a battle of comments!

But one day, before he even got a chance to do what he would usually do whenever he’s driving, I told him, “Do you know that what you focus on expands?”

“It’s vital to start your day praying to God to keep you safe,” I continued. “God’s got you already! So, the next best thing to do is focus on good things! Focus on getting green lights, and you get green lights. If you focus on smooth driving, you get smooth driving. Do you see my point?”

He was quiet during the whole trip.

Friends, the key is FOCUS.

And it’s the same with the things we want, the dreams we dream of having, and the goals we want to achieve!

Instead of saying, “I want, I want!” GIVE THANKS instead. 

1) Give thanks as if what you want has already come true! 

2) Give thanks for the things you don’t have and want more of!

3) Give thanks for what you have!

Remember to focus on what you want to multiply! 

Why? Because what you focus on expands.



1 thought on “Focus is Key!”

  1. I agree with you mam. Sometimes we tend to focus on the small unnecessary things that we fail to see the big and magnificent picture of God’s greatness.

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