It’s Not The Results…

I often wonder about this quote: It’s not the destination but the journey. Because it means it’s not the outcome or the results that is important but the process!

My thought process as a very results-oriented person was always to ensure I finished the tasks at hand, to be one of the top in my class, and to stay on top. Never mind if I liked what I was doing, never mind if I understood the story, or never mind if I missed the value I had to learn. It was all competition for me.

But the one good thing about my mindset was that I would do my best to see it through every time I put my mind to something. And if there is someone I’d be competing with, it would always be myself.

But, say that again, Process over Results?!

It took me a long time to understand until things made sense. Yes, I am a work in progress, just like all of you.

It was never really the results. It was not the outcome.

Great! you got an A+, 100%, or you graduated Cum Laude or earned a Doctor’s degree, but who did you come to be in the process?

Relating to your US applications, at the end of the day, it’s not the job offer or visa sponsorships that matter.

The questions that matter are: Are you following your heart? Are you trusting God more?  Is in vying for your goal – have you learned from your mistakes and grown through the process? Have you improved your craft? Have you become more giving of yourself to others?

And if you are blessed to get what you want and are now in the US, what have you become?

Is your integrity intact?
Did you become more kinder, loving, and thoughtful?
Did the US application success make you a better person?

Yes, the results only matter if, in the end, you have become a better you.



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