Own Your Decision!

own your decision

This message struck a chord the first time I read it. But I let it slip. The next day, I can’t get my mind off it. And so today, I want to debunk the message.

I do not know where Benjamin Hardy is coming from when he said this message. Heck, I do not even know him. So, I checked him out, read his profile, and realized he’s just like you and me. I mean, deep down at the gut level.


“You are unsuccessful if you make decisions based on your current situation,” – Ooooh, scary! But – you are successful if you make decisions based on where you want to be.” – Amazing!

Nah, I don’t buy it.

People make decisions – period.

If he makes a decision based on his current situation, so be it. If he makes decisions based on where he wants to be. And so it is. Why label?


Ah, we all have our own life’s journey. We live our lives according to how we want them lived. There will always be things that we won’t have any control of, and some we do. But are your decisions to be judged as “successful” and “not successful,” or is it more critical that you become responsible and accountable for your choices?

Own your decision!

For someone who believes that everything happens for a reason, I would really like to get clear on the message.

You see, who does not want to make decisions based on where they want to be? Who doesn’t want to realize the dream?! Who will run away from the direction of happiness, abundance, and excellent health?!

But life isn’t like that! – I mean, not yet, to most.


No matter how we want to make decisions based on our heart’s desires (long-term goals). Reality will bite us in the face, and we will have to decide based on what’s available, what’s sensible, and necessary. Sometimes life entails that we reroute.

And it’s OK.

Why? Because just like a GPS, no matter how many times we change directions based on our reality (under construction, COVID, setbacks – you get the point), or feel like we’ve missed our target – in God’s time, our inner compass will still lead us to our heart’s desires.


No, you are not unsuccessful if you decide based on your current situation. You are just not hung up by the labels! And because you know that sometimes, no matter how much you want it – it’s just not possible YET, and it’s OK!

Whatever direction you choose, no matter how slow and steady, fast and furious, or even if you choose nothing at all? Own your decision and be responsible for your choices. That’s what it is.

And no matter what, God’s got you. That, I believe.

(Peace, Benjamin Hardy!)

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